About Us
We know the aftermath of trauma can be more emotionally devastating. We understand the silence that often follows traumatic experiences. Sometimes the secondary trauma of not being heard, understood, or invalidated by the people expected to help is a more challenging wound to heal than the trauma itself. Instead of taking this risk, many individuals understandably choose to hide what happened to them.
This silence acts as a barrier to recovery and perpetuates the stigma of mental illness. It leaves survivors alone in the crowd of family and community to handle the aftermath of what has happened. Additionally, it leaves families and other loved ones worried, in the dark, semi-traumatized themselves, and “locked out” of understanding the aftermath of pain of a trauma survivor.
In this space, “There is no shame in what happened to you, how you feel, how you are coping or not coping, or how your life has changed after trauma entered into your life. Being a survivor does not mean that you have to be a hero and try to” get over it.”
We love the power of stories! There is understanding in the collision between the world of the listener and the world of the survivor of a traumatic event. Stories deepen our engagement and understanding of the survivor’s remembered experiences. Essentially, stories are about people and we all have a stake.
We do this by utilizing personal narratives and voices to develop an in-depth understanding about the ways trauma seeps into families, intimate partner relationships, parenting, life choices, and the long-lasting effects and journey to recovery, resilience…and hope.
Our platform changes the nature of how we think, feel and talk about trauma with each other, and expand our understanding about the “What Happens Next,” the psychological effects it has on its survivors, family members, friends, et., including various mental health struggles that most of us will face in our lifetime.
The Hey Trauma Team
We’re a small but dedicated team seeking to raise awareness about mental health struggles and expand the conversation “beyond” the trauma itself - which is often silent and misunderstood